book 1book n. (1) 書物, 本; 著作; 聖書; 巻; 厳しい罰; 規則; 知識の源; 賭け. 【動詞+】 abridge a book 書物の内容を要約する His book has been accepted for publication. 彼の本は出版が認められた What sort of public is this book aimed a
book in {句動-1} : (人の名前を)登録する、記帳する -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (ホテルで)チェックインする、宿泊の予約をする
by the book 決まりきったやり方で、定石{じょうせき}どおりに◆【同】according to the book Nigel was famous for completing every task by the book. ナイジェルはあらゆる作業を定石どおりにこなすことで有名だった。 ------------------------------------------------------------
in the book 本の中で、電話帳に載って、名簿に載って、記録されて、存在して、ありとあらゆる
in this book 本書{ほんしょ}で You'll learn more about these later in this book. これらについては、後ほど本書の中でもっと詳しく学びます。
not in the book 禁じられて That guy never attempts anything that's not in the book. あの男性は禁じられていることは絶対にしない。
(reference is made to the engishiki (an ancient book of codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ).) (延喜式などによる。)
it is a myojin-taisha shrine listed in engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ). 延喜式に記載された名神大社である。
it counts among engishikinaisha (higher-ranked shrines listed under the engishiki [an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ]) . 延喜式内社である。
the witch must be taken to the abbey at severac where the monks possess a last copy of an ancient book of rituals that will destroy the witch's powers . 修道士の持つ最後の書物が 有るセベラック修道院で 古代書物の祭式に従い
" engishiki " (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ) mentions ' a silver dako with a diameter of 25 .5cm .' 『延喜式』には、「銀唾壺一口、口径八寸五分」とある。
the engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ) had terms of 年魚鮓 (ayu-zushi (sweetfish sushi )) , 阿米魚鮓 (amenouo-zushi ) and so on . 延喜式の中に年魚鮓、阿米魚鮓などの字が見える。
in ' the engishiki ' (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ), sushi is listed as cho (tributes ) in various areas in western japan . 「延喜式」には西日本各地の調として寿司があげられている。
the details of the standard of impurities before meiji period is written in ' the engishiki ' (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ). 明治以前の神道における穢れの基準は「延喜式」に詳しい。
according to the engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ), omi province was categorized as taikoku (major provinces ), kingoku (provinces close to kyoto ). 延喜式での格は大国、近国。
the engishiki ' (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ) indicates that japanese temples were classified into 2 three-tier groups in ancient times . 古代、日本の「延喜式」には、2種3階級に分かれていた。